
Bactine First-Aid Spray helps to cleanse wounds, prevent infection and relieve pain and itching caused by minor burns or cuts, sunburn, scratches, and insect bites. For temporary relief of pain and/or itching due to minor burns or cuts, sunburn scratches and insect bites. Product information is provided by the vendor and serves as a summary…

1 in stock

Features & benefits

  • Maximum strength antiseptic that kills germs
  • Relieves pain and itch on contact
  • Unlike hydrogen peroxide, does not sting

How to use?

  • For use in children 2 – 12 years, application should be supervised by an adult.
  • Clean and spray affected area not more than 3 to 4 times daily. Bottle may be held at any angle, in order to spray affected area thoroughly.
  • Do not apply a bandage.
  • For occasional use.
  • Do not use more than directed.


benzalkonium chloride 0.13%w/w, lidocaine hydrochloride 2.5% w/w. Inactive ingredients: camphor, clove oil, edetate disodium, eucalyptus oil, marjoram oil, menthol, nonoxynol 9, propylene glycol, water


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Product Description

Bactine First-Aid Spray helps to cleanse wounds, prevent infection and relieve pain and itching caused by minor burns or cuts, sunburn, scratches, and insect bites.
For temporary relief of pain and/or itching due to minor burns or cuts, sunburn scratches and insect bites.

Product information is provided by the vendor and serves as a summary for informational purposes. This overview does not encompass all possible details about the product and should not replace professional medical advice. For comprehensive information, including potential side effects and contraindications, please refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines or consult with a healthcare provider to ensure the product’s safety, effectiveness, and appropriateness for you.