
Pedialyte Freezer Pops are a cool way to provide your child the fluid and electrolytes needed to help prevent dehydration. Restores fluids and minerals lost in children with mild to medium diarrhea. Just pop them in the freezer, freeze and eat! Each box contains four great-tasting flavors - Grape, Cherry, Orange and Blue Raspberry. Product…

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Product Description

Pedialyte Freezer Pops are a cool way to provide your child the fluid and electrolytes needed to help prevent dehydration. Restores fluids and minerals lost in children with mild to medium diarrhea. Just pop them in the freezer, freeze and eat! Each box contains four great-tasting flavors – Grape, Cherry, Orange and Blue Raspberry.

Product information is provided by the vendor and serves as a summary for informational purposes. This overview does not encompass all possible details about the product and should not replace professional medical advice. For comprehensive information, including potential side effects and contraindications, please refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines or consult with a healthcare provider to ensure the product’s safety, effectiveness, and appropriateness for you.