Vaginal ovules and tablets are designed to dissolve in the vagina, thus releasing their medication which mainly acts locally. To insert a vaginal ovule or tablet, follow these steps:

  • Open the package containing the ovule and use it to hold the ovule with it.
  • Place the ovule in its applicator.
  • Hold the applicator at the opposite end from the ovule. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Insert the applicator in your vagina as far as it will comfortably go.
  • Push the applicator plunger to release the ovule. Remove the applicator from your vagina. Remain on your back to prevent leakage.
  • Clean the applicator with soap and hot water after each use.

Apply it at bedtime to avoid leakage during the day.You can wear a sanitary pad to protect your clothes but do not use tampons during the treatment.

Certain vaginal ovules and tablets can damage condoms and reduce their efficacy. Check with your pharmacist to know if this applies to the type of ovules and tablets you are using.
Warning: If you are pregnant, do not use the applicator. Insert the ovule or tablet with your fingers.