Be prepared! If an emergency happens at home while you’re away, make it as easy as possible for family and friends to reach you. Keep vital information handy: take a copy of the information with you and leave a copy with a close relative or friend who can be easily contacted. Include the following kinds of information:

Close contacts at home:




Travel Agent:




Canadian embassies/consulates (in each country you plan to visit):




Travel insurance policies (health, baggage):

Phone Number
Policy number



Passport/visa(s) (type, number, date of issue):

Issuing country
Date of issue



Itinerary including plane tickets (airline, flight number):




Traveller’s cheques (type, numbers):




Credit Card(s) (type, phone number, card number, expiration date):

Type/phone number
Card number
Expiration date



Hotel(s) (name, address, reservation confirmation number):



For more informations :

Essential information for a safe trip