
Phosphorus and calcium work together to build and maintain bones and teeth. 85% of the phosphorus in the body is combined with calcium in the bones.

The body also needs it to produce energy and DNA. In addition, phosphorus helps distribute lipids throughout the body and allows nutrients to cross the cell membrane.


Phosphorus is found in most foods, particularly those high in protein.

Dairy products, meat, fowl, fish, eggs, seafood, liver, nuts and legumes are excellent sources of phosphorus. Cereals also contain some but absorption is low.

Phosphorus is also present in food additives found in prepared foods.

Contenu approximatif en phosphore
 Food  Portion  Content
 Alaska king crab 85 g 238 mg
 Beef liver 85 g 412 mg
 Chicken 85 g 195 mg
 Chickpeas 250 mL 276 mg
 Egg 1 96 mg
 Halibut 85 g 242 mg
 Food  Portion  Content
 Lentils 250 mL 356 mg
 Milk 250 mL 232 mg
 Pork, loin 85 g 230 mg
 Ricotta cheese 250 mL 389 mg
 Sardines, canned 85 g 417 mg
 Whole wheat flour 250 mL 415 mg

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

Recommended average daily nutrient intake that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all (97 to 98%) healthy individuals in each age and gender group. The RDA should only be used as a guide for daily individual intake.

Phosphorus requirements
 Age  Men   Women 
 1-3 years 460 mg 460 mg
 4-8 years 500 mg 500 mg
 9-13 years 1250 mg 1250 mg
 14-18 years 1250 mg 1250 mg
 Age  Men   Women 
 19-50 years 700 mg 700 mg
 > 50 years 700 mg 700 mg

A varied diet should easily provide adequate amounts of phosphorus.


Deficiencies are uncommon. They occur mostly in premature babies who need significant amounts of phosphorus and in people who ingest large quantities of aluminium-containing antacids which reduce the absorption of phosphorus.

A phosphorus deficiency is characterized by a loss of appetite, reduced bone mass, brittle bones, muscle weakness, stiff joints and increased susceptibility to infections.


Toxicity generally occurs in the presence of kidney failure as the body is unable to eliminate the excess phosphorus. The excess leads to an imbalance between the phosphorus and the calcium and causes bone demineralization and bone pain.

To resolve the problem, phosphorus intake is restricted and products such as calcium, which decrease the absorption of phosphorus, are taken.


Since phosphorus is commonly found in the foods we eat, supplements are not necessary.

Watch what you eat. Diet has a significant impact on health!