Contact your local pharmacy to find out if this service is available.For short-term treatments
Do you need to take medication for a new or temporary condition? Here’s what your pharmacist can do for you if you are struggling with a minor health problem.On-Spot Prescriptions
Were you aware that your pharmacist has the capability to evaluate and provide prescriptions for specific minor conditions that do not necessitate a visit to a doctor?
Advice on OTC Medications
When uncertain about choosing over-the-counter medication for symptom relief, consult your pharmacist. They can provide guidance on various options to help you make the right choice for minor health problems, including:- Canker sores
- Mouth ulcers
- Pink eye (allergic conjunctivitis)
- Seasonal allergies
Prescription Transfer
If you wish to move your prescription medications and medical records from another pharmacy, just click here! It’s a fast and straightforward process. Always select the pharmacist you feel most at ease with for your healthcare needs.Medication List
Having a list of your medication and allergies on hand in case of emergency, travel or a doctor appointment can be quite useful. Ask your pharmacist to prepare it.Other services in your pharmacy
Assessments & Monitoring
Your pharmacist is equipped to thoroughly assess the initial therapy you’ve been prescribed and confirm that it aligns with the best course of action for your specific health requirements. They have the knowledge and expertise to consider various factors
Wellness Consultations
Your pharmacist shares a common goal of prioritizing your health. You can rely on them for guidance on achieving your wellness goals and for confidential consultations tailored to evaluate your unique circumstances.
When seeking protection against the flu, prevalent diseases like shingles, HPV, or tetanus, or diseases that can be contracted during international travel, your pharmacist is your trusted source for information and guidance.