Ibuprofen is a medication that is used to treat fever, and mild or moderate pain, especially of the kind that is accompanied by inflammation. As in the case of any medication, the right dosage must be used to ensure the optimum effect with a minimum of side effects. The table provided below will help you to evaluate the dosage to be given to a child, based on his/her weight. Usually, ibuprofen is given in dosages of 10 mg per kilo of weight, every 8 hours.

You will note that the dosages are given in millilitres (mL) rather than in teaspoons. This is because teaspoons are not accurate enough for measuring medication. Ask your pharmacist to give you a dosing syringe or another measurement device that will enable you to obtain accurate dosages at all times.


Weight Age Dosage Ibuprofen
(lb) (kg)     drops
50 mg/1.25 mL
100 mg/ 5 mL
tablet 50 mg
tablet 100 mg
12-17 6-7 7-11 months 50 mg 1.25 mL 2.5 mL 1 —–
18-23 8-10 12-23 months 75 mg 1.875 mL 3.75 mL 1 1/2 —–
24-35 11-15 2-3 years 100 mg 2.5 mL 5 mL 2 1
36-47 16-21 4-5 years 150 mg 3.75 mL 7.5 mL 3 1 1/2
48-59 22-26 6-8 years 200 mg 5 mL 10 mL 4 2
60-71 27-31 9-10 years 250 mg 6.25 mL 12.5 mL 5 2 1/2
72-95 32-43 11 years 300 mg 7.5 mL 15 mL 6 3
Name: Weight: Dosage:
Signature: Date:
This dosage is given every 8 hours, only as needed.
Ibuprofen can irritate the stomach.
If possible, give ibuprofen with food.