In the event of a serious injury or accident, having a first aid kit on hand allows you to provide basic care while waiting for emergency personnel. Should an injury or benign incident occur at home, having a first aid kit that is readily accessible will allow you to provide the required care.

If travelling or camping, you should have a comprehensive and well-stocked first aid kit. In addition to the basics, you will also need medications and items usually found in your medicine cabinet. You must also take into consideration the number of people, type of activities, season, health conditions and age of those who will be with you.

Storing items in a small bag or case will make it easier to grab and carry to the scene of an accident or incident. Be sure that everyone in your family knows the basics of first aid.

The basics:


Acetaminophen or ibuprofen : to relieve fever or pain
Assorted adhesive bandages (e.g., Band-Aid™) : to protect cuts, scrapes
Adhesive Tape    
Injectable epinephrine (if needed) (e.g., Epi-Pen™, Twinject™) : to prevent severe allergic reactions
Alcohol swabs or solution : to disinfect instruments
Aluminum acetate (e.g., Burosol™) : to relieve skin irritation
Antihistamines : to treat allergies, hives
Gauze bandage roll    
Decongestants : to relieve nasal congestion, cold symptoms
Elastic bandage : to support an injury/sprain
First aid manual (e.g., St John Ambulance First Aid Manual)    
Instant Cold Pack : to treat inflammation caused by muscle or joint injury
Instant Hot Pack or heating pad (e.g., Magicbag™) : to relieve muscle pain or other
Latex or nitrile gloves    
Moisturizer : to hydrate dry, sunburned skin
Oral rehydration solution or powder : to compensate for diarrhea-induced dehydration
Sterile non adherent Gauze Pads : to cover burns, cuts, or scrapes
Steri-Strips™ (for wound closure)    
Topical Cortisone cream (e.g., Cortate™) : to relieve itching, urticaria or eczema
Triangular Bandage (Cotton) : to use as a sling

When camping or traveling (IN ADDITION TO the basics):


Antacid : to relieve heartburn
Antidiarrhea medication : to treat diarrhea
Antimalaria drugs (if necessary) : to prevent malaria
Antinausea medication (e.g., Gravol™) : to relieve nausea
Antiseptic towelettes (ex: Benzalkonium or chlorhexidine) or 0.9% saline solution : to clean wounds if clean water is unavailable
Hand sanitizer (e.g., Purell™) : to clean hands
Insect repellent    
Mild laxative : to relieve constipation
Mosquito netting (if necessary) : to prevent mosquito bites
Zinc ointment : to relieve itching and sunburn
2% iodine solution (if necessary) : to disinfect water
If bringing syringes and sterile injection material, include a justification letter (when traveling to a developing country)


Important Phone Numbers

Poison Control Centre: (800) 463-5060
Emergency: 911

Once you have put your first aid kit together, all you have to do is keep it up to date. Check expiry dates periodically and replace products as soon as they are used or expired.

Most of the products listed here can be purchased at your local pharmacy. Talk to your pharmacist who will help you find everything you need.