Height and weight are probably the characteristics that are most easily associated with a child’s genetic background. The following chart contains average height and weight values according to gender and age.


Average Height and Weight According to Age
  Male Female
Age (year) Height (cm) Weight (kg) Height (cm) Weight (kg)
6 months 67 8 66 7
1 76 10 74 9
2 88 12 87 12
3 96 14 95 14
4 103 16 103 16
5 110 18 109 18
6 116 21 115 20
7 122 23 121 22
8 127 25 127 25
9 133 28 133 28
10 138 31 139 32
11 143 35 145 36
12 149 39 152 42
13 156 45 157 47
14 163 51 160 51
15 169 57 162 53
16 173 62 163 55
17 175 65 163 55
18 176 67 163 56



These figures are adapted from growth tables commonly used in pediatrics. Average values correspond to the 50th percentile line on growth charts. Consult the Dietitians of Canada web site, you will find WHO growth charts for Canada for children and adolescents.

Dietitians of Canada