Contact your local pharmacy to find out if this service is available.
For long-term treatments
If you are managing a chronic condition that demands continuous medication and assistance, here’s how your pharmacist can assist individuals seeking ongoing support and guidance.Medication Re-prescription
In certain instances, The Medicine Shoppe pharmacist can renew a prescription for medications even if your original prescription has lapsed. The duration of prescription validity depends on the nature of the medication.
You can take advantage of these services if you are dealing with any of the following conditions:
- Allergies (allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis)
- Bladder Infections
- Diaper Rash
- Eczema
- Hemorrhoids
- Minor Acne
- Menstrual Pain
- Mouth Ulcers
- Oral Herpes
- Thrush
- Vaginal Yeast Infections
Reminder Tools
In the midst of your busy lifestyle and packed schedule, remembering to take your medications may not always be at the top of your agenda. Thankfully, there are tools available to help you stay on track:
Consider using a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly pill-pack to effectively organize and take your medications as prescribed. Don’t hesitate to inquire with your pharmacist about this service.
Streamlined Prescription Renewals
If you require monthly medication renewals, your pharmacist can arrange for automatic renewals to ensure you never miss a dose. Pick up your medication at the same time every month to simplify your routine.
Medication Synchronization
For those managing multiple medications, including your family’s, why not consolidate your prescription pickups to once a month at the pharmacy? Your pharmacist can synchronize your medication renewals to a single date, making it more convenient for you.
Prescription Extension
In situations where your prescription is nearing its expiration date, and you’re unable to see a doctor promptly, your pharmacist has the ability to provide an extension. This guarantees the continuity of your medication therapy without interruption and affords you the necessary time to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider.Other services in your pharmacy
Assessments & Monitoring
Wellness Consultations
Your pharmacist shares a common goal of prioritizing your health. You can rely on them for guidance on achieving your wellness goals and for confidential consultations tailored to evaluate your unique circumstances.
When seeking protection against the flu, prevalent diseases like shingles, HPV, or tetanus, or diseases that can be contracted during international travel, your pharmacist is your trusted source for information and guidance.